
Below is the full text to include/gem_rsc.h from NetHack 3.4.3. To link to a particular line, write [[gem_rsc.h#line123]], for example.

1.    /* resource set indices for GEM_RSC */
3.    #define MENU               0 /* menu */
4.    #define DOABOUT           12 /* STRING in tree MENU */
5.    #define DOQUIT            30 /* STRING in tree MENU */
7.    #define STATUSLINE         1 /* form/dialog */
8.    #define GRABSTATUS         1 /* BOX in tree STATUSLINE */
10.   #define MAPWIN             2 /* form/dialog */
11.   #define MAPBOX             0 /* BOX in tree MAPWIN */
12.   #define MAPCURSOR          1 /* IBOX in tree MAPWIN */
14.   #define ABOUT              3 /* form/dialog */
15.   #define FLYABOUT           0 /* BOX in tree ABOUT */
16.   #define OKABOUT            1 /* BUTTON in tree ABOUT */
17.   #define NETHACKIMG0        3 /* ICON in tree ABOUT */
19.   #define LINES              4 /* form/dialog */
20.   #define FLYLINES           0 /* BOX in tree LINES */
21.   #define QLINE              1 /* BUTTON in tree LINES */
22.   #define LINESLIST          2 /* USERDEF in tree LINES */
24.   #define YNCHOICE           5 /* form/dialog */
25.   #define FLYYNCHOICE        0 /* BOX in tree YNCHOICE */
26.   #define YNPROMPT           1 /* TEXT in tree YNCHOICE */
27.   #define SOMECHARS          2 /* BOX in tree YNCHOICE */
28.   #define YN1                3 /* BUTTON in tree YNCHOICE */
29.   #define YNN               53 /* BUTTON in tree YNCHOICE */
30.   #define ANYCHAR           55 /* BOX in tree YNCHOICE */
31.   #define CHOSENCH          56 /* FBOXTEXT in tree YNCHOICE */
32.   #define COUNT             58 /* FBOXTEXT in tree YNCHOICE */
33.   #define YNOK              59 /* BUTTON in tree YNCHOICE */
35.   #define LINEGET            6 /* form/dialog */
36.   #define FLYLINEGET         0 /* BOX in tree LINEGET */
37.   #define LGPROMPT           1 /* TEXT in tree LINEGET */
38.   #define LGREPLY            2 /* FBOXTEXT in tree LINEGET */
39.   #define QLG                3 /* BUTTON in tree LINEGET */
40.   #define LGOK               4 /* BUTTON in tree LINEGET */
42.   #define DIRECTION          7 /* form/dialog */
43.   #define FLYDIRECTION       0 /* BOX in tree DIRECTION */
44.   #define DIR1               5 /* BOXTEXT in tree DIRECTION */
45.   #define DIR9              21 /* BOXTEXT in tree DIRECTION */
46.   #define DIRDOWN           23 /* BOXTEXT in tree DIRECTION */
47.   #define DIRUP             25 /* BOXTEXT in tree DIRECTION */
49.   #define MSGWIN             8 /* form/dialog */
50.   #define UPMSG              1 /* BOXCHAR in tree MSGWIN */
51.   #define GRABMSGWIN         2 /* BOX in tree MSGWIN */
52.   #define DNMSG              3 /* BOXCHAR in tree MSGWIN */
53.   #define MSGLINES           4 /* USERDEF in tree MSGWIN */
55.   #define NAMEGET            9 /* form/dialog */
56.   #define FLYNAMEGET         0 /* BOX in tree NAMEGET */
57.   #define PLNAME             2 /* FBOXTEXT in tree NAMEGET */
58.   #define NETHACKPICTURE     4 /* BOXTEXT in tree NAMEGET */
60.   #define PAGER             10 /* form/dialog */
61.   #define FLYPAGER           0 /* BOX in tree PAGER */
62.   #define QPAGER             1 /* BUTTON in tree PAGER */
64.   #define NHICON            11 /* form/dialog */