
Below is the full text to src/rip.c from NetHack 3.4.3. To link to a particular line, write [[rip.c#line123]], for example.

Top of file[]

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)rip.c	3.4	2003/01/08	*/
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
The NetHack General Public License applies to screenshots, source code and other content from NetHack.
5.    #include "hack.h"
7.    STATIC_DCL void FDECL(center, (int, char *));
9.    extern const char * const killed_by_prefix[];	/* from topten.c */
11.   #if defined(TTY_GRAPHICS) || defined(X11_GRAPHICS) || defined(GEM_GRAPHICS) || defined(MSWIN_GRAPHICS)
12.   # define TEXT_TOMBSTONE
13.   #endif
14.   #if defined(mac) || defined(__BEOS__) || defined(WIN32_GRAPHICS)
15.   # ifndef TEXT_TOMBSTONE
16.   #  define TEXT_TOMBSTONE
17.   # endif
18.   #endif
20.   #ifdef TEXT_TOMBSTONE
22.   #ifndef NH320_DEDICATION
23.   /* A normal tombstone for end of game display. */
24.   static const char *rip_txt[] = {
25.   "                       ----------",
26.   "                      /          \\",
27.   "                     /    REST    \\",
28.   "                    /      IN      \\",
29.   "                   /     PEACE      \\",
30.   "                  /                  \\",
31.   "                  |                  |", /* Name of player */
32.   "                  |                  |", /* Amount of $ */
33.   "                  |                  |", /* Type of death */
34.   "                  |                  |", /* . */
35.   "                  |                  |", /* . */
36.   "                  |                  |", /* . */
37.   "                  |       1001       |", /* Real year of death */
38.   "                 *|     *  *  *      | *",
39.   "        _________)/\\\\_//(\\/(/\\)/\\//\\/|_)_______",
40.   0
41.   };
42.   #define STONE_LINE_CENT 28	/* char[] element of center of stone face */
43.   #else	/* NH320_DEDICATION */
44.   /* NetHack 3.2.x displayed a dual tombstone as a tribute to Izchak. */
45.   static const char *rip_txt[] = {
46.   "              ----------                      ----------",
47.   "             /          \\                    /          \\",
48.   "            /    REST    \\                  /    This    \\",
49.   "           /      IN      \\                /  release of  \\",
50.   "          /     PEACE      \\              /   NetHack is   \\",
51.   "         /                  \\            /   dedicated to   \\",
52.   "         |                  |            |  the memory of   |",
53.   "         |                  |            |                  |",
54.   "         |                  |            |  Izchak Miller   |",
55.   "         |                  |            |   1935 - 1994    |",
56.   "         |                  |            |                  |",
57.   "         |                  |            |     Ascended     |",
58.   "         |       1001       |            |                  |",
59.   "      *  |     *  *  *      | *        * |      *  *  *     | *",
60.   " _____)/\\|\\__//(\\/(/\\)/\\//\\/|_)________)/|\\\\_/_/(\\/(/\\)/\\/\\/|_)____",
61.   0
62.   };
63.   #define STONE_LINE_CENT 19	/* char[] element of center of stone face */
64.   #endif	/* NH320_DEDICATION */
65.   #define STONE_LINE_LEN 16	/* # chars that fit on one line
66.   				 * (note 1 ' ' border)
67.   				 */
68.   #define NAME_LINE 6		/* *char[] line # for player name */
69.   #define GOLD_LINE 7		/* *char[] line # for amount of gold */
70.   #define DEATH_LINE 8		/* *char[] line # for death description */
71.   #define YEAR_LINE 12		/* *char[] line # for year */
73.   static char **rip;


75.   STATIC_OVL void
76.   center(line, text)
77.   int line;
78.   char *text;
79.   {
80.   	register char *ip,*op;
81.   	ip = text;
82.   	op = &rip[line][STONE_LINE_CENT - ((strlen(text)+1)>>1)];
83.   	while(*ip) *op++ = *ip++;
84.   }


87.   void
88.   genl_outrip(tmpwin, how)
89.   winid tmpwin;
90.   int how;
91.   {
92.   	register char **dp;
93.   	register char *dpx;
94.   	char buf[BUFSZ];
95.   	register int x;
96.   	int line;
98.   	rip = dp = (char **) alloc(sizeof(rip_txt));
99.   	for (x = 0; rip_txt[x]; x++) {
100.  		dp[x] = (char *) alloc((unsigned int)(strlen(rip_txt[x]) + 1));
101.  		Strcpy(dp[x], rip_txt[x]);
102.  	}
103.  	dp[x] = (char *)0;
105.  	/* Put name on stone */
106.  	Sprintf(buf, "%s", plname);
107.  	buf[STONE_LINE_LEN] = 0;
108.  	center(NAME_LINE, buf);
110.  	/* Put $ on stone */
111.  #ifndef GOLDOBJ
112.  	Sprintf(buf, "%ld Au", u.ugold);
113.  #else
114.  	Sprintf(buf, "%ld Au", done_money);
115.  #endif
116.  	buf[STONE_LINE_LEN] = 0; /* It could be a *lot* of gold :-) */
117.  	center(GOLD_LINE, buf);
119.  	/* Put together death description */
120.  	switch (killer_format) {
121.  		default: impossible("bad killer format?");
122.  		case KILLED_BY_AN:
123.  			Strcpy(buf, killed_by_prefix[how]);
124.  			Strcat(buf, an(killer));
125.  			break;
126.  		case KILLED_BY:
127.  			Strcpy(buf, killed_by_prefix[how]);
128.  			Strcat(buf, killer);
129.  			break;
130.  		case NO_KILLER_PREFIX:
131.  			Strcpy(buf, killer);
132.  			break;
133.  	}
135.  	/* Put death type on stone */
136.  	for (line=DEATH_LINE, dpx = buf; line<YEAR_LINE; line++) {
137.  		register int i,i0;
138.  		char tmpchar;
140.  		if ( (i0=strlen(dpx)) > STONE_LINE_LEN) {
141.  				for(i = STONE_LINE_LEN;
142.  				    ((i0 > STONE_LINE_LEN) && i); i--)
143.  					if(dpx[i] == ' ') i0 = i;
144.  				if(!i) i0 = STONE_LINE_LEN;
145.  		}
146.  		tmpchar = dpx[i0];
147.  		dpx[i0] = 0;
148.  		center(line, dpx);
149.  		if (tmpchar != ' ') {
150.  			dpx[i0] = tmpchar;
151.  			dpx= &dpx[i0];
152.  		} else  dpx= &dpx[i0+1];
153.  	}
155.  	/* Put year on stone */
156.  	Sprintf(buf, "%4d", getyear());
157.  	center(YEAR_LINE, buf);
159.  	putstr(tmpwin, 0, "");
160.  	for(; *dp; dp++)
161.  		putstr(tmpwin, 0, *dp);
163.  	putstr(tmpwin, 0, "");
164.  	putstr(tmpwin, 0, "");
166.  	for (x = 0; rip_txt[x]; x++) {
167.  		free((genericptr_t)rip[x]);
168.  	}
169.  	free((genericptr_t)rip);
170.  	rip = 0;
171.  }
173.  #endif	/* TEXT_TOMBSTONE */
175.  /*rip.c*/